MasterCard Virtual Payment Client Example

Response Page

 Standard Transaction Fields

VPC API Version:
Merchant Transaction Reference:
Merchant ID:
Order Information:
Transaction Amount:
Fields above are the primary request values.

VPC Transaction Response Code:
Transaction Response Code Description: Unable to be determined
Receipt Number:
Transaction Number:
Acquirer Response Code:
Bank Authorization ID:
Batch Number:
Card Type:
Risk Overall Result:
Fields above are for a standard transaction.

Fields below are additional fields for extra functionality.

 Card Security Code Fields

CSC Acquirer Response Code:
CSC QSI Result Code:
CSC Result Description: null response

 3-D Secure Fields

Unique 3DS transaction identifier (xid):
3DS Authentication Verification Value:
3DS Electronic Commerce Indicator (ECI):
3DS Authentication Scheme:
3DS Security level used in the AUTH message:
3DS CardHolder Enrolled:
Takes values: Y - Yes N - No
Authenticated Successfully:
Only returned if CardHolder Enrolled = Y. Takes values:
Y - Yes N - No A - Attempted to Check U - Unavailable for Checking
Payment Server 3DS Authentication Status Code:

The 3-D Secure values shown in red are those values that are important values to store in case of future transaction repudiation.
The 3-D Secure values shown in green are for information only and are not required to be stored.

 Hash Validation

Hash Validated Correctly: INVALID HASH

New Transaction